Today, the NRI IT department is spread throughout North America, with expertise spanning the full range of software development, hardware deployment and custom data integration. Our diverse team can rapidly respond to the changing requirements and sudden opportunities that characterize business in the twenties. We work smart, go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to ensure that both your team and ours goes home at the end of the day with a smile.
Instead of trying to adapt an off the shelf warehouse management system to our needs, we took on the challenge of writing our own WMS and created Aspire. That investment has given us flexibility unmatched in the industry, most recently shown in the advanced containerization features delivered in Q4 2019. In 2020 the team is focused on completing the latest iteration of Aspire, bringing it into a cloud-native browser based application that frees both the NRI operations team and our customers from the platform and scalability constraints of traditional software. At the same time, we’ve brought our team and process to the highest bar of quality assurance by shifting to an automated testing model that runs thousands of tests on Aspire with every improvement we roll out.
Software development is tough, and most 3PL companies are right to outsource it. NRI isn’t like most 3PL companies. By putting in the extra effort, we deliver results that are in a class in their own.

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