Would you benefit from utilizing your employees’ skills not related to picking, packing, and shipping products? Growing your business is likely of great importance to you, and your employees potentially have other skills that can help you achieve that growth. Partnering with a 3PL can take some of the burden off you and your employees so you can focus those strengths and energy on brand building.
Or, do you have so many orders waiting to be picked, packed, and shipped that you need to hire more employees? Finding the right talent for your company is time-consuming. 3PLs already have the talent that are more than capable of picking, packing, and shipping your products.
Shipping Costs
3PLs have built great relationships with most major carriers, such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, and the national postal networks. Due to our large shipment volumes and consistent business, we can leverage preferred rates with these carriers; rates most individual companies can’t match. At NRI, we have partnered with all major US and Canadian carriers and are working to partner with more regional carriers to not only diversify our offering, but also save our customers more money on shipping costs and reduced shipping times.
You may be considering an investment into a Warehouse Management System (WMS) to manage your inventory and track shipments and returns. Most 3PLs already have a robust WMS that will manage your inventory, track shipments, and so much more.
Are your products crowding your office? Taking up space at home? Products need to be stored and prepared for shipping somewhere. Leasing a warehouse can get costly when you factor in all the overhead to simply keep the lights on, let alone to outfit it sufficiently and to staff it. 3PLs factor everything in when quoting you, so you only see one price. An added bonus: more space for other things!
There are many reasons to partner with a 3PL, and saving time, space, and most importantly, money, are all great examples. As a solutions-focused 3PL, NRI wants to work with you to reduce your costs, improve your customer experience, and scale your business.
Want to learn more? Contact us to discuss your 3PL needs.

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